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What Caused the Flood in Dubai?

Climate Change and its Effects on the World
What Caused the Flood in Dubai?

Dubai, a luxurious city in the heart of a desert, has been faced with the challenges of unexpected and frequent flooding. What was once considered to be a rare phenomenon, flash floods are becoming more common, leaving citizens of Dubai to question the preparedness of the obstacles posed by climate change. 

Heavy rainfall is no stranger to Dubai, but the intensity and duration of the flood in April 2024 was exceptional. Many experts categorize this extreme weather event to the climate patterns which are driven by global warming. As temperature increases, the atmosphere’s ability to retain moisture also increases, resulting in more frequent and heavy rainstorm events. 

According to BBC News, “‘The intensity of the rain was record breaking, but this is consistent with a warming climate, with more moisture available to fuel storms and make heavy rainfall events and associated flooding progressively more potent,’ explains Richard Allan, professor in climate science at the University of Reading.” 

Cloud seeding has been a controversial topic in its relation to the flood. This involves manipulating clouds to produce more rain, which the UAE has used in recent years to address water shortages. Numerous people on social media have stated that the flood is the result of cloud seeding, but scientists say it is much more. “When we talk about heavy rainfall, we need to talk about climate change. Focusing on cloud seeding is misleading,” said Imperial College of London climate scientist Friederike Otto to Insurance Journal

Climate change and global warming is a key factor that scientists believe caused the flood. Dubai has much of its infrastructure located along a coastline, making it susceptible to erosion and flooding. In addition to this, the Indian Ocean is getting warmer and gaining higher pressure, contributing to a lot of the rainfall that the UAE faces. 

Many efforts can be made to stop climate change, especially by reducing fossil fuels and deforestation. Because of the small amount of plants in Dubai, the rainfall was unable to be absorbed, which is a cause for why the flood occurred. 

Dubai, known for its futuristic vision has the opportunity to lead other countries by example in planting more greens, and transitioning to a low-carbon economy. The floods in Dubai serve as a wake-up call to nations worldwide that climate change is not a far away threat, but a reality that is constructing challenges. 

Individuals can contribute to reducing carbon footprint, advocating for sustainable policies, and supporting climate action. It is the time to work together to create a more resilient and brighter future. 

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