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The 2024 Tornado Season

The 2024 Tornado Season

For the last few months, there has been one topic sweeping through the national news, consistently keeping entire regions of the United States on their toes. Twisters and tornadoes are terrorizing homes from the east to west coast. Just this Memorial Day weekend, tornadoes killed at least 22 people, according to AP News. In just Texas, 760,000 were left without power, and an estimated 200 homes were destroyed, says BBC and this was just in one weekend. 

The Center for Disaster Philanthropy, or the CDP, says that “April 2024, with an estimated 384 tornadoes, was the second-most-active month for tornadoes in the history of the U.S., and only outdone by April 2011.” Since the start of this year, the US has only seen an increase in tornadoes and severe storms, leaving everyone to question why. CBS News has a potential answer: The rapid change from an El Nino climate pattern to a La Nina climate pattern. When this quick change between the opposing climate patterns happens, like it did this year, it creates a perfect recipe for storms.

For the rest of this tornado season, be alert and capable of staying safe during a tornado. Identify an underground or aboveground room which can keep people in and tornadoes out. Avoid leaving the house in severe weather warnings and watches unless necessary. Furthermore, help people in affected areas by donating money and supplies to relief organizations like Red Cross and The Salvation Army

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