In February of 2023, Tom Brady officially announced his retirement, stepping down from the NFL for good as one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. His retirement resulted because the Tampa Bay Buccaneers lost to the later Super Bowl champions, the Los Angeles Rams.
Brady announced his first retirement on Feb. 1, 2022. Brady said on Instagram, “This is difficult for me to write, but here it goes, I am not going to make that competitive commitment anymore. I have loved my NFL career, and now it is time to focus my time and energy on other things that require my attention.”
40 days later, Brady returned for his 23rd season claiming he had “unfinished business.”
Once again, Brady announced his retirement exactly one year later on Twitter saying “I’m retired for good . . . I think you only get one super-emotional retirement essay, and I used mine up last year.”
However, Brady was not done with the NFL yet. He made a deal with the Las Vegas Raiders in May 2023 to contribute as owner. According to CBS News, it took the owners 17 months to reach an agreement with Brady.
But it doesn’t end there, Brady signed a 10 year contract with FOX Sports on May 10th 2022, paying him $375 million. Brady’s FOX contract is worth more than he made during his 23-year playing career, which is just shy of $333 million, according to The Patriot Ledger. As a team owner, Brady is limited on what he can say while broadcasting. He cannot criticize the referees or other organizations, and he cannot sit in on pregame production meetings with other organizations, according to Yahoo.
Raiders fans believe that he can make a good impact on the team. Over the past thirteen years, the Raiders have had 8 coaches making them not consistent. Fans hope Tom Brady can help with that since this year the Raiders standings are not looking so good with a 2-7 record as of Nov. 20.
But can Tom Brady pull it off? Can he pull the Raiders out of the sand? Maybe in the future the Raiders will be more successful with Brady’s presence.