Dame Maggie Smith, renowned for her roles as Professor McGonagall in the Harry Potter films and Violet Crawley in the television series Downton Abbey, passed away in a London hospital early morning Friday, Sept. 27. Her family made the statement without specifying a cause of death, but assured the public that she passed on peacefully.
She lived to be 89 years old, and left quite the legacy behind. Starting her career in stage and screen acting at the age of 21, Smith continued until her death. She appeared in her first uncredited role as a party guest in the British drama “Child in the House” in 1956. Smith performed in over 60 films and television series over the course of her life.
According to the New York Times, “by the turn of the millennium, she had the two Oscars, a Tony, two Golden Globes, half a dozen BAFTAs (British Academy of Film and Television Awards) and scores of nominations.” Despite her iconic roles, she was able to go almost anywhere unrecognized, until she landed her role as Violet Crawley in Downton Abbey. Suddenly, she found herself in her mid-70s, unable to lead a normal life any longer without being recognized.
Smith was beloved by actors and fans alike, and she captivated audiences with her sharp sense of humor and immense talent for acting. She has made a notable impact on film and television worldwide, and will live on in our memories for a long time to come.