Photo taken by Natriya Rampey
On September 28th, the Briar Woods Falcon Regiment competed in its first competition of the season with their Led Zeppelin themed show. After weeks of practice, the band felt ready to give its all, and “knock it out, ̈ according to Duane Minnick, the Band director.
The Falcon Regiment has been on a winning streak since its first competition, at JMU, one of the hardest competitions in Virginia, the Regiment placed 4th out of 50 bands which was the highest placement since 2012 when the band performed its Spartacus show.
The Regiment practiced almost every day and hours changed often due to weather and other groups needing the practice areas. Practices were intense with the Regiment, marching until the sun fell, then going home and practicing more. However, their tireless work resulted in success at JMU.
On November 2, 2019, the Regiment will be competing at championships, and it appears they will do well after receiving superiors at assessment the weekend before. Thanks to the new turf field, the Regiment has been able to practice on a field layout more often, which has helped tremendously for when it performs.
Support of the Falcon Regiment has aided greatly in its performance. The good behavior and silence of everyone in the stands has helped to keep the focus where it should be. Furthermore, some students have attended faraway competitions to watch and provide continued support to the Falcon Regiment.